Lahir di Kulon Progo, dan merupakan alumni dari SMA Future Gate angkatan kedua. Menyelesaikan pendidikan di Teknik Elektro, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman ini, diamanahi sebagai Kepala Sekolah SMA Future Gate sekaligus mengajar mata pelajaran Fisika.
- Direktur Sekolah
- zubir@sukmabangsa.sch.id
- @zubir
Enim venenatis nisl wisi quis, in wisi. Sollicitudin eget mollis accumsan, ut wisi maecenas tortor. Magna vehicula auctor lacus aliquam. Vehicula bibendum ut sed class erat, et et risus vel pede ac, purus orci. Nulla integer sed sem. Ut erat dolor lectus consectetuer, vel tincidunt integer duis euismod nunc, pede pede nec mauris in, vel sem fuga dis ligula. Ridiculus placerat, odio ut, mauris per vitae vehicula lorem sed vestibulum, nec fusce cras orci enim.
Riwayat Pendidikan
Master Degree, 2016 – 2019
Management of Education
State Institute of Islam Lhokseumawe, Aceh
Bachelor Degree, 2001 – 2007
English Literature and Teaching Studies Islamic of Ar-Raniry University, Banda Aceh
Karya tulis
MAS Ulumuddin (2011 – present) Vice Principal – Lhokseumawe
Develop a student coaching work program and coordinate its implementation.
Coordinating the selection of student councilorganizers, Boy Scouts, and PMR as well as extra student activities.
Supervising student councilactivities, Boy Scouts,and PMR as well as extra student activities Buildup of student council management
Coordinating the planningand implementation of the selectionof exemplary student candidates, scholarship recipients and post-Islamic scholarship.
Evaluate and overseethe implementation of activities outsidethe school.
Coordinating the activities of the school ceremony / national ceremony, morning cares, cleanliness and gymnastics.